Add AWS Cloud Service Credentials

To setup AWS for Jamcracker Appliance you need to provide the following information in "Add Cloud Credentials" page.

  1. Paying Account Id
  2. Username
  3. Password
  4. Secret Key
  5. Access Key
  6. Bucket Name
  7. Usage File Name

In this section, we take you through step by step process to collect the required information.

  1. Launch AWS Console and login using your credentials.
  2. Navigate to My Account page and make note of Paying Account ID, Username and Password.

  3. Navigate to My Security Credentials > Access Key. Make note of the access key. In case you do not have an access key, generate it by clicking on Create New Access Keybutton.

  4. Make note of the secret key that was generated along with access key.
  5. To get the Bucket Name, navigate to Services > Storage > S3 page. Make note of bucket name.

  6. To get the usage file name and the file path, navigate to Services > Storage > S3 page. A list of existing buckets are displayed. If you don't have a bucket, you need to create a new bucket. Click here to know how to create a bucket.

  7. Click the Bucket Name from the list of available buckets.

  8. You must create a folder by name "jamcracker". Click Save.

  9. You must create a sub folder by name "aws-cost-allocation" under "jamcracker" folder.
  10. Make a note of the usage file path, which will be useful for getting the usage data while mapping it in JSDN.
  11. Navigate to My Billing Dashboard > Reports. Make note of the Report Name.
  12. Add "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'" as the value in the date format field.
    Note: Now that you have made note of all the required information, add the information in "Add Cloud Credentials" page.

The following table explains the configuration settings fields for Amazon Web Services.

Fields Value
Cloud Provider Select the cloud provider from the drop-down list. If it is an Amazon service, select AWS from the drop-down list.
Account Type Select an account type. Select whether your account is a linked account or paying account.
Account ID Type the account ID.
Username Type the Username.
Password Type the Password as received from the ISV.
Secret Key Type the secret key as received from the ISV.
Access Key It is alphanumeric text string that uniquely identifies the user who owns the account. No two accounts can have the same AWS Access Key. Type the access key as received from the ISV.
Bucket Name It’s a container for objects. When you have multiple instances, it helps you to group those instances under a bucket. It should be configured at the ISV end and the same name to be entered here. Type the bucket name.
Usage File Name This file is used to store usage data received from ISV and store. The data is stored with the same file name. Type the usage file name. For example the usage file name should "jamcracker/aws-cost-allocation".
Date Format This is the date format in which the usage data is recorded. It should be configured at the ISV level.
Once you are done with adding the cloud service credentials, refer Step 7 of Add Cloud Credentials page.
Note: You might experience some of the features doesn't perform as expected, such as; live dashboard doesn't load, resources doesn't display, billing might be wrong. This is due to some of the following errors:
  • You might have provided wrong credentials. Please ensure while copying your credentials there is no extra space.
  • Latency in data processing.
  • If JobServer is down.
  • Unexpected special characters in the processing file.