Enable Budgeting (Optional)

As Enterprises begin to deploy Cloud Services across their business, it is important to allocate usage costs to the appropriate departments. Jamcracker's Cloud Appliance provides an efficient cost management solution for Enterprise Cloud Services by allocating cost to budgets established for Departments, projects, Lines of Business or other cost centers, and reporting variances of actual vs. budget and creates notifications when a certain percentage of a budget has been consumed and/or exceeded.

An Administrator in the Enterprise with special privileges can define the budget and allocate the budget amount towards any Enterprise Attribute (Departments/Cost-center/LOB/projects/products) etc.

Budget codes are defined for a specific time (currently for a month) and can be updated mid-term by Administrators if required.

The Administrator can also define consumption thresholds that result in generating alerts when accounts are getting close to their limits.

If you need budgeting functionality to control the costs, first you need to configure it by following these steps:

  1. Login to the Administrative portal using the same username and password shared as part of the 'Welcome' email.
  2. Navigate to Feature Setup > Setup > Budgeting.
  3. Select the option "Enable Budgeting", if your organization required the budgeting feature. On enabling, every request/order will require a budget codes to be associated. Alerts will automatically be sent out once the amounts reach the predefined threshold or allocated amounts.
    Note: Once this option is enabled or disabled it cannot be edited/modified again.
  4. To complete the configuration, log into the Jamcracker Appliance Portal.
  5. Navigate to My Company > Budget and upload the Budget template. (You need to download the template and replace it with the actual budget codes, budget descriptions and allocated amounts and then upload it again without making any changes to the format).

On successful upload, your organization can use the Budgeting feature. Refer to Budgeting section for more information.