Order Flow

You can buy a wide range of cloud services from the store. Buying at the store is simple, quick, and secure. If you are a first time customer, you can browse through the catalog and view the service details. Before you proceed further, you must register with the store. Click the Sign In link to login to the store to buy services. The store offers both SaaS services and IaaS services on the store catalog. You can browse through the catalog and add as many SaaS services to your shopping cart and check out. Buying an IaaS service is slightly different than ordering a SaaS service; you need to order each IaaS service separately from the catalog.

GSuite Service

As a customer administrator, you can place order for GSuite service from your store catalog.

To place order for GSuite service, follow the below steps:

  1. Login to Store using your admin credentials (customer administrator).
  2. Navigate to Catalog and click the View Offers link.
  3. Select the required offer and click Add toCart.
  4. You will be re-directed to your Shopping Cart page. Click Secure Checkout and Accept the Service Level Agreement.
  5. You will be re-directed to the Additional Information page, where you need to enter the details. Click here to know how to get the API Access details.

    Note: If you do not have a G-Suite account, click the link provided in Additional Information page to know how to create a G-Suite account.
  6. Click Save & Finish. You will be redirected to Payment Details page.
  7. Click Proceed. The Order will be in Fulfilled state. You can even navigate to Manage > Orders page and see your order status.

Once you update the details, click Save Data & Fulfill Request.

Follow the below steps to retrieve your G-Suite Credentials:

GSuite Domain:

  1. Login to GSuite Portal using your credentials.

  2. Click Domains.

  3. Click ADD/remove domains, to Find the value of Domain.

Admin Username: This will be G-Suite account's admin login username.

Admin Password: This will be G-Suite account's admin login password.

Place Orders for SaaS Services

Placing an order is easy. You can browse through the store catalog and choose the services that you want to order. Refer to Finding Services or Browsing Catalog section to learn more about how to find a service. Once you find the service you want to buy, perform the steps as given in the following sections.

Add items to your cart
  1. Navigate to Catalog page. Find the service you would like to buy.
  2. Click on the Service icon. Click the View Offer link to know more about the service and its associate offers.
  3. Click Add to Cart. The Shopping Cart page is displayed.
  4. Click Secure Checkout. The system will redirect you to Payment and Billing Details. Refer to Shopping Cart for more information.

The Shopping Cart lists the subscriptions that have been added to your cart. Type the number of subscriptions that you want to buy in the Quantity field next to the service name. For service offer with billing model Pay Per User selected, the user cannot enter any quantity as the recurring amount is based on the number of users to whom the offer is assigned.

  1. Review the price details. Once you are ready to finalize the purchase, click Secure Checkout.
  2. On the Shopping Cart page, review the details. Edit the quantity and other details on the Shopping Cart.
  3. Click Secure Checkout.

Checkout with PayPal

You will be taken to the PayPal portal. You can sign-up with PayPal by giving your details. If you already have a PayPal account, you can sign-in using the credentials. Once you agree to the transaction, you will be taken back to store. In the Service Agreements window, review the service agreement for each service. Click Download to download the service level agreement in the html format. In the Additional Information page, enter the information as required. On the Payment Details page, review the details. Your PayPal account e-mail ID is displayed. Once you confirm the order, the order receipt will be generated.

Proceed to Checkout

Click Proceed to Checkout. In the Service Agreements window, review the service agreement for each service. In the Additional Information page, enter the information as required. On the Payment Details page, you can choose between Credit Card and PayPal payments option. If you select credit card, provide credit card information. If you select PayPal, you will be taken to the PayPal portal. You can sign-up with PayPal by giving your details. If you already have a PayPal account, you can sign-in using the credentials. Once you agree to the transaction, you will be taken back to store. Once you confirm the order, the order receipt will be generated.

In the Service Agreements window, review the service agreement for each service. Review and accept all service agreements to proceed further.
Note: The service level agreement page is be displayed, only when you are placing/ordering the service for the first time.

On the Payment Details page, specify the payment and billing details. You can expand the order to review the items in the cart.

  1. Type your Sales Reference Code. The sales reference code is your sales agent’s or dealer’s code.
    Note: If you are a dealer and ordering on behalf of your customers, the sales reference code is displayed automatically.
  2. You can add or modify number of subscriptions quantity that you would like to have.
  3. Specify the service activation date in the Service Activation Date field. Click the Calendar icon to select the date on which you want to activate the service.
    Note: The service will be activated on the service activation date defined by you. However, it depends on how your store is configured.
    Note: If you are an Enterprise Store customer, Click the Lookup link next to the Budget field and then select a budget code and click Confirm. The system shall pro-rate the amount and compare it with the available budget. However, the system provides the ability to define a threshold limit for the budget.
    Note: For Example: If the defined budget is $1000 and the threshold is set as 60%, the system will notify the user while placing new orders beyond the set threshold limit. If your Store is configured with Hard Limit and the allocated amount for the budget code exceeds your Billable Amount you will be restricted from ordering the service offer. However, if the Store is configured as Soft Limit, you will be allowed to place your order.
  1. The Payment Details section displays the configured billing option for your company. Refer to Payment and Billing Details for more information.
  2. In the Billing Details section, the system will auto-populate your mailing address (as provided by you during registration process) in the address fields.
  3. After entering the details, click Proceed.

Some services might need additional information, so it is mandatory that you enter the service specific additional information to complete your buying process.

  1. In the Additional Company Information window, type the required information in the relevant fields.
  2. Click Save & Finish.

The Order Receipt page displays the order and payment details of your order. Once your order is confirmed, you will receive an order confirmation e-mail. Once the service is fulfilled, you will receive another e-mail, informing you about the order fulfillment details. Refer to Order Receipt for more information.

Once the order is placed in the system, the order status may change. You can view all of the orders from the Orders page.

Billable Amount: The billable amount is the amount which will be charged to the customer for the service offer that he/she is going to buy. This amount can be based on Pro-rate/Ordered amount.

Place Order for Application Stack

You can order application stacks from the store catalog. An application stack refers to a set of servers and user defined applications whose relationships and configurations can be managed collectively. To place an order for an application stack or an instance, do the following:

  1. Navigate to the Catalog page.
  2. Click on the stack which you want to order. Review the details of the item you selected, click Launch.
  3. The Stack Interface (Designer Console) page is displayed. It lists the associated instances and applications. Review the details and price. You can view the estimated cost per month of the stack.
    Fields Description
    Stack Details
    Stack Name Type a unique name for the application stack.
    Description Type a quick description for the application stack that you going to launch.
    Sales Reference Code Type the sales reference code (if any).
    Tags The key values are used for identification. Select the Key value from the drop-down list and the type the value for the key. These keys are normally defined/configured by your store administrator. If you don't find any key value in the drop-down list, you can ignore it. This option is optional for you. However, if you see multiple of key values in the drop-down list and you want to add them, then just click the Add New link.
    Resources Groups
    Enable Monitoring Select whether Yes or No to enable the monitoring option. This option is pre-configured, if it is configured as Yes, the system will enable the VM to be monitored for their performance. This is also a pre-requisite for sending out Service failure alerts, and auto-recovery from the backup images based on the policies configured. If the option is configured as No, the system will auto-populate Enable Monitoring as No.
    Network Select the network from the drop-down list. The VM will be launched in the selected VPC network.
    Network Interface
    Name Destination Please enter a unique name or description for the network interface. Please note the name or the description should be maximum of 256 characters and it should be combination of zA-Z0-9._-:/()#,@[]{}+=&!$*
    Subnet Select the subnet from the drop-down list. The VM will be launched in the selected subnet.
    Private IP Type a valid Private IP, which should be in the range select Subnet. Leaving this field blank will result in VM being auto assigned a Private IP.
    Public IP Select the Public IP from the drop-down list. If you select auto-assign option, it will result in the VM receiving a dynamically provisioned public IP address which may change if you restart the VM. If you wish to provide a static Public IP address, please select the one from the drop-down list. If you do not see any static IP address available, please refer to "Obtain Static Public IP" section in the portal to obtain one.
    Security Groups The Security Groups section displays the security groups and associated port and rule. You can edit the existing security group rules, port range and IP address. You can also create a security group by clicking the Create Security Group link. In the Security Group window, provide the security rules and port range.
    Note: If you are an Enterprise Store customer, Click the Lookup link next to the Budget field and then select a budget code and click Confirm. The system shall pro-rate the amount and compare it with the available budget. However, the system provides the ability to define a threshold limit for the budget. For Example: If the defined budget is $1000 and the threshold is set as 60%, the system will notify the user while placing new orders beyond the set threshold limit. If your Store is configured with Hard Limit and the allocated amount for the budget code exceeds your Estimated Pricing you will be restricted from ordering the service offer. However, if the Store is configured as Soft Limit, you will be allowed to place your order.
  4. Review the sequence in which each instance is to be launched in the Orchestration Sequence section.
  5. Click Launch.
    Note: If the subscription is a custom trail then you will be charged normal subscription charge post trail expires.
  6. The Service Level Agreement page is displayed. Click Agree to agree the conditions.

When you launch the application stack and agree to the terms and conditions, an order for the instance/stack is placed with the store. A message indicating that the order needs to be approved is displayed.

An e-mail will be sent to you with the stack provisioning status. Once the stack is successfully provisioned, you can start using your stack.
Note: While Launching an AppStack, please ensure that the Instance Name is unique for easy identification and based on the provider specific naming conventions. This field is case sensitive. Recommended that the length should be at least 2 chars less than the provider specified length (Example: VM length in AWS & OpenStack- upto 253 chars; Azure-upto 13 chars; IBM & Google- upto 61 chars).
Note: It is likely that provisioning of VMs may fail if the VM name does not meet the provider criteria. Azure: Instance name cannot be more than 15 characters long, be entirely numeric or with special characters and no space is allowed. Google: The first character must be a lowercase letter, and all following characters must be a dash, lowercase letter, or digit, except the last character, which cannot be a dash. IBM: The hostname and domain (VM Name) must be alphanumeric strings between 1-63 characters in length that may be separated by periods '.'. The only other allowable special character is the dash '-'. Check IBM portal for further details”.

Application Stack Services

The store offers various computing services and application stacks from the top cloud infrastructure vendors. You can compare and review the details of the services on the catalog and take an informed decision about which IaaS vendor and service is best suited for your requirements.

The pricing of IaaS services is entirely based on the usage. You need to pay only for the resources you consume. The store offers various standard stacks. Each stack has different hourly pricing for their utilization levels. The pricing is the cost of running a specified machine image and operating system with the selected resource configuration as a service. You can view the estimated price per hour for an instance and the estimated monthly bill which is based on 100% utilization for 30 days. Review the price before purchasing the service.

Instance types constitute varying combinations of CPU, memory, storage, and networking capacity and allow you to choose the right combination of resources. You can select the region where you want to setup your server, select a pre-configured machine image to setup your server, an operating system and the physical resource combination. Each instance type includes one or more instance sizes, allowing you to select the right size to meet your target workload requirements. The store provides pre-built images. Select a suitable image from the available images list. An image is a collection of files for a specific operating system (OS) that helps to create a server. Select the Flavor/Size Reference refers to the resource configuration for a server. Each flavor is a unique combination of disk space, memory capacity, vCPUs, and network bandwidth. It refers to the allocation of physical resources.
Note: The fields you need to select vary based on vendors. Some services might require you to select the required hard disk and CPU separately from the respective drop-down list. Please select the options as available and as per the requirement.

The Estimated Price field displays the estimated monthly price for the 100% utilization of resources for a month for the selected instance/stack. Review the price details.

  • While launching an stack, the security group is automatically gets associated with the instance. If you want to change or want to define a new one. Click the Edit link.
  • If you want to create a new security group, click the Create New Security Group link. The newly created security group is automatically associated to the instance. You can implement network rules on an ordered instance to ensure security.

Security Groups

The concept of security group is to define a set of access permissions on an instance. Use the editable Tags drop-down list to select an existing Key/Value. Tags are just labels which you can use classify the instances you use. A tag consists of a key/value pair. You can add up to 10 unique tags to each instance. Tags enable you to manage the infrastructure services in a better way. For example, if you want to assign an instance to the Recruitment team in the HR department, you can create a tag as Recruitment with value HR. A tag consists of a key and value. You can add up to 10 unique keys for each instance. Either select an existing Tag and Value from the drop-down list or Type a Tag and Value of your choice. The access rules define source based access based on the IP addresses and sub net. You can also specify the protocol and port range (or ICMP type and code). Across TCP & UDP, the protocol and range are specified. It does not allow traffic from any other IP addresses. These rules determine which network traffic should be delivered to the selected instance. You can view and modify the rules for a security group any time. If you do not associate a security group to the instance, the default security group will be automatically associated. If you are ordering a VMware or OpenStack Private Cloud service instance, select the network where you want to deploy the VMware instance from the network drop-down list. The networks are listed as provided by the ISV. If you are ordering multiple instances, you need to select the network for each instance.
Note: Based on vendor/providers, some services do not require security group association. The security group field will not be available for such services.