Graph API Client ID and Graph API Secret Key

This section explains you how to obtain your Graph API Client ID and Graph API Secret Key from the Azure portal.

This section explains you how to get your Graph API Client ID and Graph API Secret Key.

  1. Login to Microsoft Azure console.
  2. Navigate to Azure Active Directory menu option.

  3. Click App Registration from the left pane.

  4. The App is displayed. Click on the App Name.

  5. Copy or note down the Application ID. This is your Graph API Client ID.

  6. Click Keys. Now you can either use an existing key or create a new key. We recommend you to create a new key.

Creating a Key

  1. Enter a short description for your key.
  2. Select the duration for which the key should be valid for from the drop-down list.
  3. Enter some value that you want to be displayed.
  4. Click Save.

Now, a new key value is displayed. Copy or note down the value. This is your Graph API Secret Key.