Launch Appliance from Azure Marketplace

Follow the below steps to launch Jamcracker Appliance from Azure Marketplace.

  1. Login to Azure Marketplace.

  2. Navigate to Azure Marketpalce and search for the appliance.


  3. Click on the Appliance to view the appliance overview.

  4. Click Get it now.

    • If you are not logged in yet, enter your username and password and click Sign In.
    • If you are already logged in, click Continue.
  5. You will be redirected to Azure Console.
  6. Click Create.

  7. Configure the basic settings to create the VM by providing a unique name for the VM, select the VM Disk Type (you can select either SSD or HDD based on your requirement), enter username as "centos", select the Authentication Type as Password and enter a new password and re-confirm the same, select the Resource Group (you can select either Create new or Use existing by enabling the required option) and select the location from the location drop-down list.

  8. Click OK.

  9. Now select the VM size from the available list. We have selected D2_v3 Promo (which is minimum configuration required to run the application).

  10. Click Select.
  11. On the Settings page, review all the information. Primarily you must ensure the Network Security Group (Firewall) is properly configured or not.

    • You can validate by clicking the Network Security Group (Firewall). In the below screenshot, you can see all the rules are validated.
    Note: In the below screenshot you can see HTTP and HTTPS rules are not defined.
    • Click the Add an inbound rule link and select HTTP and HTTPS from the Service drop-down list one after another and click OK.
    • Click OK. The summary section displays the price of the appliance based on your selected configuration. If the summary section displays errors (if any), then one must re-visit the complete process again (from Step 7).
  12. Click Create. The deployment process starts.

  13. Now that your Virtual Machine is up and running. Click Virtual Machines from the left pane. A list of existing VMs are displayed.

  14. Select the VM that you have created and click on it to get the Public IP Address.
    Note: This completes the configuration of Appliance in Azure Marketplace. In order to access the appliance, proceed with the following steps.
  15. Copy the Public IP Address and add it to your system host file. Your host file is usually located in C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts location.

  16. Associate the appliance URL to the added IP in the host file and save the host file.

    Product URL:

  17. Navigate to Jamcracker Appliance.
  18. You need to get and upload the license key to access the appliance.

Get your License Key

To get the license file, fill-in the request form and submit the same. Once you submit the form, you will receive an email with the license file and credentials.